Sunday, June 27, 2010

No Regrets

Hello, hello, and happy Sunday!

Meet my wonderful sister-in-law, Laura. She is awesome, and one of the things I like about her is the advice she gives. One piece of advice that always comes back to my mind is "no regrets." Great advice to be sure, and it's certainly helped me during certain parts of my life. These last few days, I've been thinking about what it really means to live life with no regrets. Here are my thoughts:

Living with no regrets doesn't mean you lead a perfect life or that you won't make mistakes along the way. Making mistakes is part of being human. And there are always outside sources that will impact our vision for our perfect world. So part of living with no regrets is to be able to bring yourself back up when bad things happen--it's about being able to move on and set things right as much as you can. There are some things that are out of our control, so we can't harbor bad feelings that will prevent us from moving on and being happy. No regrets.

I also think part of living with no regrets means we have to be willing to take some risks. I'm not saying everyone should go skydiving or something like that (although, if you've always wanted to then go for it!). I'm thinking more along the lines of emotional risks--risks that won't kill you... Anyway, if those risks turn out poorly, then pull yourself back up again. Don't let hurt feelings stand in your way of moving on and doing bigger and better things.

Sometimes I wonder if I make sense... But there you have it. A brief overview of my thoughts.

Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Perfect sense! You managed to explain it in less time than I do ;)