Monday, March 30, 2009

The Semester Will Soon Come to a Close

I meant to update before this as last week was pretty eventful. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. And now, I probably shouldn't even be on here because of all the things I have to do!! It is the week before finals and really I think next week will be less stressful. But I felt you all deserved that I'm still alive and well. 10 days (counting weekends) untill the end of the semester. About 28 days until I'm in the air flying to Europe. Wow. You know, I've come to a realization of a few things (there's usually at least one aha! moment every other day). Some of the things I've realized: some things seem completely conincidental until something else happens to make you realize it couldn't have just been coincidence or rather it just gains even bigger significance than before; sometimes I'm really not a fan of Rexburg, but I know that once I get out with diploma in hand, part of me is going to wish for this experience all over again; soccer is still a fun game and I'm not as bad as I thought I would be since I hadn't played since middle school; and I'm excited to go home for the summer and see my family and friends, but I'm really really really going to miss the awesome people I've met here (seriously, I have so much fun with the people in my ward here!!). Those are just a few of many thoughts that have been going through my mind. I wish I had more time to blog right now but I don't.

There is one more thing I should add that I was planning on including before. I was a little hesitant to bring it up at all, but I think I'm safe in giving you a brief update where this is concerned.

One of my roommates, Lindsey Gruwell, went home to Tennessee at the beginning of last week to have some doctors do some blood work because her spleen was enlarged. When she went home, it was discovered that she had relapsed with luekemia. That was a very hard moment for all of us to say the least. It seems like forever since we received that news. She is such a beautiful, wonderful girl! We miss her and wish she could get better right this very second! We think about her all the time! But by the sounds of things, it seems that she's doing pretty well, so I'm very grateful for that.

And that is all I have time for at the moment. I wish you all well and hopefully I will get back to you soon!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


So I just feel like procrastinating and posting about anything! Anything at all! Are you prepared for this? You are now going to experience my ADD in full force as I just spurt out whatever comes to mind!! Haha okay so it will be a little more controlled than that. But I often have random thoughts/facts of the day so I'm going to share some of that, mostly the things I was thinking about yesterday.

Here we go. Take a deep breath. GO!!

So yesterday I was walking behind a girl who was wearing a navy superbreak from Jansport which would have been found in bin 91 in the zone of Jansport last summer whilst I worked there. I then started to recognize a bunch of other bags that I couldn't remember so much about them, but I could remember if they were a pain in the but or not. Some of my thoughts included: "That stupid bag would never come of the box!" or "Stupid tissue paper in between every single one of those backpacks! The horror!!" So then I got to thinking how there are so many things that we don't think about. Wow, that sounded like an epiphany... Anyway, no one ever thinks about the process between how your choice of backpack came to the store and fell into your hands. However, that crosses my mind every once in a while just because I've been in the warehouse that shoves your bag into a box, tapes said box, sends it off, and gripes about backpacks, how dry your hands are, and the fact that you are starting to dream of backpacks! So the next time you pick up a backpack, think of the poor soul who ran to get that bag for you or who stands for hours putting price stickers on said bag. Be grateful! And you know, maybe take the time to be random and wonder about things like how your backpack and you were united. Was it fate? Perhaps.

Last night, Megan and I watched the Kiera Knightly version of "Pride and Prejudice". We just read the novel in one of our classes (awesome book by the way. READ IT!!) and we get credit for watching the movie. Anyway, at the end of the movie after laughing at the cheesiness of the mulitple times he says "Mrs. Darcy", I still sighed and was like "Ah Darcy...what a guy...even though he is fictional....." As I walked home I started thinking that Jane Austin probably isn't healthy. I'm not sure I care though. Sitting on your butt all day eating nothing but pizza, breadsticks, and ice cream isn't healthy either, but I would still do it (and so would you. ADMIT IT!). So if Jane Austin is the death of me, at least I'll die happy with a smile on my face and a piece of that pizza still in hand.

I like to find out random facts that will be of no use to me know or during any other part of my life. For example, did you know that in the "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" when Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli come across the place where the hobbits had been and they're all upset because they're like "Snap son!! The hobbits are dead!" and then Aragorn kicks the orc helmet and falls to his knees with a cry of despair that Viggo Mortenson (Aragorn) broke his toe when his foot made contact with that helmet? That's got to hurt... Anyway, not too long ago I began to wonder where the phrase "cloud nine" comes from. I was asking Megan and she was actually smart enough to look it up on Google. I don't know why I didn't think of that. So here's the answer:

"it comes from the US Weather Bureau. The story is that this organisation describes (or once described) clouds by an arithmetic sequence. Level Nine was the very highest cumulonimbus, which can reach 30,000 or 40,000 feet and appear as glorious white mountains in the sky. So if you were on cloud nine you were at the very peak of existence."

There you have it!! Now you know too!! And there's some of my random for you to enjoy. Now I should go do something....dang it I just blanked...PRODUCTIVE!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ode to Grandpa!

First off, happy 100th post to me!! I'm so happy!
Okay enough of that. Now to more important things. Thursdays are my favorite day of the week (seems random huh?). Pretty much my whole life except for when I didn't care or take notice, Thursdays have, in general, been really good days. Today did not start out in the spirit of a Thursday. It felt more like a Monday really. You know, one of those days you almost don't make it out of bed, you have trouble paying attention in class, your mind seems to wander to all the negative things currently happening in your life, that sort of thing. There are a few things that made it all better. But there's one event in particular I'd like to share.
One of my friends from back home is serving a mission for our church and I get to receive his e-mails every week. He sends them to his family who then forwards them to me. Anyway, in his e-mail for this week he mentioned how his companion is from Grants Pass, Oregon. I was like, "Hey! That's where my grandparents live!" I preceded to call my Mom and tell her about it. After a moment she was like "Oh my gosh!! Your dad knows his dad!" And she told me I should call my grandparents who also knows the family. And that's just what I did.

Grandpa was the only one home and I was able to speak with him for a little over forty minutes. Best forty minutes ever! It's been a while since I've spoken to him so it was nice to catch up a little bit and share a few good laughs. He asked me about my roommates and asked if they would be nice to him if he were to show up and I were to explain our relationship. I told him that I wouldn't have to explain that we were related because we are equally wierd. Although he tried to deny it, he pretty much just admitted to it.

We had a fun time making fun of ourselves and reflecting wonderful things like useless/made up words particularly as it relates to my family's favorite game: Scrabble. Haha in case you didn't pick up on members of the Adams family always have strange experiences with Scrabble. I was playing a game not to long ago called Quiddler which is a word game with cards. Some questions were asked about what sorts of words were allowed or against the rules. Someone said it was exactly like Scrabble to which I replied, "Well my family makes up their own rules to Scrabble every time so I don't really know how to play." It might not be completely true...but partially.

Anyway, my mood has significantly increased! I'm so grateful for my grandpa. I love him so much and he's such a good example to me. I can't wait till I get to see him again!