Monday, March 30, 2009

The Semester Will Soon Come to a Close

I meant to update before this as last week was pretty eventful. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. And now, I probably shouldn't even be on here because of all the things I have to do!! It is the week before finals and really I think next week will be less stressful. But I felt you all deserved that I'm still alive and well. 10 days (counting weekends) untill the end of the semester. About 28 days until I'm in the air flying to Europe. Wow. You know, I've come to a realization of a few things (there's usually at least one aha! moment every other day). Some of the things I've realized: some things seem completely conincidental until something else happens to make you realize it couldn't have just been coincidence or rather it just gains even bigger significance than before; sometimes I'm really not a fan of Rexburg, but I know that once I get out with diploma in hand, part of me is going to wish for this experience all over again; soccer is still a fun game and I'm not as bad as I thought I would be since I hadn't played since middle school; and I'm excited to go home for the summer and see my family and friends, but I'm really really really going to miss the awesome people I've met here (seriously, I have so much fun with the people in my ward here!!). Those are just a few of many thoughts that have been going through my mind. I wish I had more time to blog right now but I don't.

There is one more thing I should add that I was planning on including before. I was a little hesitant to bring it up at all, but I think I'm safe in giving you a brief update where this is concerned.

One of my roommates, Lindsey Gruwell, went home to Tennessee at the beginning of last week to have some doctors do some blood work because her spleen was enlarged. When she went home, it was discovered that she had relapsed with luekemia. That was a very hard moment for all of us to say the least. It seems like forever since we received that news. She is such a beautiful, wonderful girl! We miss her and wish she could get better right this very second! We think about her all the time! But by the sounds of things, it seems that she's doing pretty well, so I'm very grateful for that.

And that is all I have time for at the moment. I wish you all well and hopefully I will get back to you soon!!

1 comment:

lindsey gruwell said...

ohh danielle, I love that post! That was so sweet! I agree with your post. Things aren't just a conincidence, everything has its place, lesson, and value. During the moment, I don't always enjoy it. When its over, I want to experience again. I miss and love you guys.