Monday, November 8, 2010

If My Life Were A Musical...

The other day I was having a conversation with a friend and I all of a sudden burst out (as much as you can burst out through typed text that it), "Gah! I'm so amazed at the truly awesome power and potential of music!"

Want to know what I was listening to at the time? Of course you do. So I'll tell you, but I'll also let you listen to it so you can agree with me about how awesome it is. I was listening to the track "Overture and Prisoner of the Crusades" from the Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves soundtrack (composer Michael Kamen). I know most of you have heard a portion of this tune because although you might not have seen the movie, the tune has been used in a Disney advertisement. So, without further ado, here's a little snippet of one of my favorite bits of composition ever.

This idea of the potential of music had been going through my mind for the las few days. It's true isn't it? Any movie with a good soundtrack should bare testimony to that. I find that the music plays a big part in creating the appropriate emotion for a scene.

I think we can sometimes see evidence of the power of music based on our own emotion and what music we choose to listen to at that time. When your sad do you listen to sad music? When your significant other just broke up with you do you listen to breakup songs (maybe even ones with a tone of vengence to them)? When you're extremely happy, do you listen to music that just makes you want to jump around and scream with happiness?

I'm probably making blanket statements. Perhaps I'm completely off the mark, but hopefully you understand what I'm saying.

One thing that amazes me about music is how you can take the same tune and play it a little differently (such as, with other instruments) and get a different effect.

Hopefully, you all have figured out how much of a nerd I am by now, so what comes next will not surprise you in any way. The one example I've had of the same tune played differently effect is with video game music. A lot of it has been orchestrated or done on piano and various other things. Here are a couple examples:

I'm just in love with music :)

P.S. Sorry the Robin Hood footage kind of sucks. It didn't look that bad on my computer. Ha ha just close your eyes and listen to it :)

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