Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Whenever I see the word condor I have this incredible urge to say it long and loud and in a slightly weirder voice than my normal one. ConTour has a similar effect, but I'll restrain myself.

Last night, Breanna and I witnessed the ConTour as they performed in Boulder. We thought we were late, but much to our delightful surprise, we arrived just on time. Huzzah! The ConTour is essentially a tour of well known musically inclined youtubers. There really is such a thing. Most of them sing really nerdy songs, but they have some that aren't so nerdy too. Since Breanna is more of a follower of the youtube than I am, I thought for sure I wouldn't know very much, and I suppose I didn't know a lot of it, but I actually did know a good handful, which made me smile inside. Ha Ha! It was a ton of fun and they seemed to have a lot of fun performing. Everyone wins!

The tour consisted of Skyway Flyer (Jason Munday), Luke Conard of All Caps, Mike Lombardo, and Alex Carpenter of the Remus Lupins. The other half of All Caps, Kristina Horner, wasn't able to make it.

That's Luke getting everyone to dance crazy like. He told everyone to get on the floor, and once everyone was there, he told them to pop back up again. Of course, everyone did as they were told...except for maybe me as I was taking a picture of the moment. I think I went halfway down... Technicality.

We got to meet them afterwards. Breanna had them sign her Flip.

That be Jason.

That's Mike. He has crazy awesome piano skills. Also, he complimented my shirt. I think that earns him brownie points or something. Thanks, Mike.

Alex with Luke making an appearance in the background.

And vice versa.

Can I say that although my red eyes and over smiling make me look a little crazed, I still look much better in these pictures than that one time I saw William Joseph in concert. I wonder if I can find that... Commence hold music!


Found it!

Aw! Precious. I still got the red eye thing going on, but apparently I was so excited to see William Joseph that I gave myself a double chin. Gross. Well, he looks good. I'll just cut myself out of the picture. Ha ha!

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