Monday, June 8, 2015

Writing Query Letters

I'm about to do something I haven't done in a long time: write a query letter.

I've been working on my writing, and I've completed a few projects. I even went back and did a round of editing. I'll be honest. I had never done that with one of my novels before. I would highly recommend it. It's crazy how many mistakes you catch or how many details you want to add when you go through it again. So if you're a writer, I highly recommend going back through and editing. But you were probably already smart enough (and not so lazy) to do so.

I'm going back to the resource I've used in the past, They have advice on how to write queries, and they have a whole bunch of literary agents listed that you may consider sending your query to. It also has links to literary agency sites so you can find the right agent for you. It's been a pretty helpful resource to me in the past.

Now I haven't been accepted for publication yet, but you've got to start somewhere, and if you want to succeed you can't be afraid to fail. Think of all the great people who didn't succeed on the first go! So for those of you out there who are still aspiring just like me to see your written work in print, don't give up. We're in this together, my friend.

Stay tuned for future updates!

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