Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Adventure, I Hear You Calling Me

I'm taking a storytelling class this semester and I've been struggling to come up with a story that I can use. "There's nothing interesting to tell about my life," a common excuse but not exactly a true one. It's the same excuse I hear when people tell me they could never keep a blog: nothing happens in their life that is blog worthy. I beg to differ! For the past little while, I have felt that I really have nothing to share with the world. "Nothing out of the ordinary has happened," I reasoned with myself. Even so, life, everyday ordinary life is always full of adventures. They may be little adventures at that, but adventures all the same.

Today, my adventure started when I was walking across the parking lot towards campus. There's a fresh layer of snow outside and a hidden layer of ice underneath. I slipped and fell right in the middle of the parking lot. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened sooner... I was a little irritated with myself at first, but then I realized 1) I didn't break anything and 2) no one was around to see how ridiculous I looked flailing about as a came tumbling to the ground. So you see, even if these adventures are small things and perhaps not even good things for not all adventures are peachy keen all the time (in fact, most aren't) you can still take something from them. Learn something or maybe just have something to laugh at later on because we all need a good laugh now and then. So what did I learn from my first little adventure of the morning? Perhaps how to make bad things not seem so bad or maybe just gratitude. Plenty of people break bones around here because of the ice. I'm glad I wasn't one of them today.

Another recent adventure which turned out to be quite fun despite my hesitation to actually do it was making cookies whilst blindfolded. Okay, more like making the two guys I was with make the cookies while I sat back and laughed at them. I mean that in a loving way.

A couple weeks ago, my roommate Sara and I went on a double date with two guys who are ironically both named Matt. As part of this date, Sara insisted that we make the boys make cookies blindfolded. I didn't think it was a good idea, but they were both game. We were allowed to help a little, but not much. Sara kept getting after me for being too much help. What can I say? I felt bad for the poor guy. Though I suppose it builds character... They actually did pretty well. I was impressed. And we all had a lot of fun.

One of the Matts (Matt Z as a oppose to Matt A) wanted to put the cookies in the oven himself while still wearing his blindfold. Sara wasn't too fond of that idea, and she stole the cookies before Matt could stop her. It's probably a good thing too.

Well, the day is still young, and there are plenty adventures out there calling my name! In fact, the parking lot is probably waiting anxiously for me to go out there for my next class just so it can pull me down again. Rude.
May you find the adventure in your life because we all have stories to tell. So what's yours?

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