Monday, October 11, 2010

Yesterday's Over, Go Ahead

I have this great ability to stress myself out to the point of tears/want to give up on everything.

I'm ashamed to admit, that seems to be happening a lot lately. I seem to be in this limbo state, and most of the time, I can deal with that. But sometimes, I really let things frustrate me when they shouldn't. I should just take a deep breath, remind myself that everything's going to be okay, and move on.

I think it comes down to negative thinking.

So I've been taking a yoga class twice a week for the past few weeks. Our last class was on Friday, and I must say, I'm going to miss it. In that short amount off time I was able to gain some more flexibility. Plus, it just got me thinking a bit.

One thing our instructor would tell us everyday as we were warming up was something to the effect of, we need to remind ourselves not to hold any judgements, and to realize that we've got to work with what we can do today instead of dwelling on the past. I remember one day of yoga, I was getting so frustrated with myself. Something had already been bothering me that morning, so my mind wasn't as focused as it should have been. I seemed to be struggling more than usual with the poses that day, and one thing kept going through my head, "I can't do it. I can't do it."

I would let myself come down to my knees so I could relax for a moment as I fought the urge to cry.

The next time I went to yoga, I had a much better experience, and as our instructor once again urged us to let go of judgement, I realized that part of my problem that day had been that I wasn't focusing on what I could do in that last session. I was focusing on what I couldn't do, thus creating a worse situation and outlook on myself. The rest of our yoga classes were a lot more enjoyable for me as I came to except that you have to listen to your body and make adjustments sometimes and that's okay. You go day by day, doing the best you can for that day.

I came to realize today that I've been doing the same thing in my life. I try to do something, but then I let frustration overcome me and I again think to myself, " I can't do it. I can't do it."

I was doing that today in fact. But thankfully I have an awesome mom and sister who urged me to stopped stressing myself out and to move forward. You see, I need to stop focusing on the things I can't do and instead focus on the things I can. I want to gain more confidence in myself. Things will work out. I just got to keeping working on it and not stress myself out to the point of ulcers and other bad things. I can be happy. I can be confident. I can influence someone's life for the better.

I know some people seem to have things against yoga, but my experiences with it have always been positive (except maybe when I try to do it on the wii. That does not make me a happy person.)

Our instructor liked to create her own acronyms. Her acronym for yoga is Yesterday's Over, Go Ahead. Again it plays off of that idea of letting go of judgements (and even too high of expectations I think) and allowing yourself to move forward.

Another thing I love about yoga is ending the session with the phrase nameste, which by definition means the divine (or greatness) in me honors the divine in you. That's something that I've always thought was so powerful. We all have qualities of greatness in us, and we have the opportunity to use that greatness (hopefully) for good in our lives and those around us.

So my message for you today: Don't bring yourself down because of your failures or inadequacies. Instead, lift your spirit and focus on the things you are capable of.

Happy adventuring! And Happy Columbus Day!

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