Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sing-a-longs, Trolls, Adventure, More of the Usual

January is almost done and gone and I haven't written a single blog post yet! What kind of blogger am I? Well...I pretty awesome one...because, come on, it's me. Need I see more?

Now that you've had a little look of the great amount of humility I have, let's take a look at the last couple months. I no longer work for Best Buy. (Did I ever tell you that I was?). I work part time for a machine shop, delivering parts and doing some office work. I got to experiment yesterday, fixing up little parts under a microscope. I'm not sure I like it very much though... They're going to let me decide if I want to keep doing it, so we'll see.

In December, I got to do something that I can honestly say I never thought I'd do...mostly because I didn't know that such things existed. My mom and I were invited to attend a "Sound of Music" sing-a-long in Seattle. Can I just say that was the most fun I've ever had watching "The Sound of Music"? I love it enough as it is, but throw in a huge audience singing along and getting really into it makes it so much more fun! So not only did we sing, but we had to participate by hissing when the baroness came on the screen, bark when Rolf came on scream, cheer for Maria, all sorts of fun stuffs.

I know that maybe it sounds a little crazy, but you should totally go to one of these things sometime in your life.

This month, I went on a Seattle adventure with my mom. We were going to go to the Harry Potter exhibit at the Pacific Science Center, but there was a huge line and no parking. We decided to head over to Pike Place instead. It was a good day.

Mom had never been to see the Fremont Troll, so we went there next.

So there you have it. There are a couple adventures I neglected to tell you about. Other things going on in my life? Did I tell you that I've applied for a publishing program? I don't find out if I got in for another month. Keep your fingers crossed. I've also been writing. I finished a young adult novel a few months ago and sent some query letters out to agents. No luck so far, but that's alright. It's going to work out eventually :) I'm working on another book now. I actually started it for NaNoWriMo and didn't finish it. So I'm a bit behind in finishing it, but it's coming along.

Oh I'll be going on another adventure two weeks from now. I'm going to visit some of my college friends in glorius Idaho. I'm excited about seeing the friends. Not so excited for the cold... But it will be worth it.

Anyhow, 2011 isn't too bad so far.

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