Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oh Lappy

Would you believe I still haven't finished the book I started writing for NaNoWriMo? Well you should because it's true. I'm still working on it and I'm quite proud of it. It is now officially the longest story I've ever written! Huzzah! I hope I'm still proud of it once I finish writing it and go over it again for the editing process...

Lappy has been put on suicide watch. Once again, he tried to off himself. He's back up and running right now for which I am grateful! I never realize how fast Lappy is until he's sick and I have to go use the ghetto computer downstairs. It still works, but man is it slow! No offense downstairs computer. Thanks for letting me use you to work on my story while Lappy was being revived.

The good thing is I now know why Lappy keeps having mental breakdowns. It's not because he has a bad home environment like one of my friends suggested. It's because he's been congested, meaning he had too much memory taken up for him to function properly. Now it is up to me to make some more room or perhaps invest in an external hard drive. Until then, my dad took off all my music and stored it on his computer which must have a bigger memory capacity than poor lappy. That did the trick. Lappy is happy and running smoothly.

In other news, I'm leaving for Rexburg on Thursday and I'm convinced I'm going to die of hypothermia. Sure I survived the winters there for three years, but I'm kind of liking the winter this year where it's warmer and isn't so windy. But the risk of death will be worth it. I'm excited to see people :)

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