Thursday, December 1, 2011

And Then December Came

It is December first, don't you know. I can just feel the magic in the air! Or maybe it's just that incessant wind that's been blowing about in a crazy fashion all morning. Either way, it's a start of a new month, which means a few things.

1. NaNoWriMo is officially over! Congrats to all those who successfully reach their 50,000 word goal. I'll be blunt. I did not. CURSES! I didn't have a bad run though. I mad it to somewhere in the 30,000's. This is only my second year, but t seems I kind of slump at the halfway point. And then with Black Friday and Thanksgiving and this year a wedding to attend, it all kind of goes downhill. Still, it's a good experience. And just like last year, I won't give up on that story until it's reached at least 50,000 words. I think the experience was harder on Megan. Check out this picture I got of her. You know what day of the challenge that was? You guessed it. Day  one.

2. 2011 is quickly coming to a close! That means new goals to set and a retrospective glance at everything that's happened this year. One thing that helps me remember all that's happened is to look at my collection of pictures. I've slacked off a little this year, but I still have some good moments captured for all time. It always amazes me to look at my pictures and realize all the things that have happened. Tons of things seemed to have happened forever ago, but in reality, a lot of it was just a few months ago. Crazy how time flies. More on the retrospective glance later to be sure.

3. You can start listening to Christmas music now if you haven't already. Go on. You know you want to. And feel free to sing along or perhaps even dance if you're feeling up to it. I'll leave that up to you.

4. Speaking of Christmas, that is also fast approaching! That means I'll soon get to travel back to the home I love, enjoy good company, foods, and traditions! I am so excited. You have no idea. Megan and I are flying on Christmas Eve. A daring move perhaps, but that's the way it had to be done. One of our Christmas Eve traditions is to watch A Muppet Christmas Carol before we head to bed and dream of sugarplums. Even after all these years, it's one of my favorite traditions! I absolutely love that movie. It's probably my favorite Muppet film. I haven't seen the new one yet, but I've heard good things. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

5. Those were the only things I could come up with at this time...

So may you have a wonderful, fabulous, extraordinary December this year!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Kinda lame that there's no mention of your niece who's due to be born in a few weeks.