Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Time is Here and the New Year is Just Around the Corner

First and foremost I must announce for those of you who have not heard yet that I am officially an aunt! My niece is adorable. Although I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her in person, I met her via skype on the day she was born. Best moment of December!

I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Cannot believe it! That also means that it's travel day for me. Crazy? Maybe. Worth it? Definitely. I'm curious to see whether the airport will be packed or not too bad. A lot of people have already done their traveling, but I'm sure there's a lot of people who saved it for the last minute just like my sister and I. It just sort of worked out that way what with job schedules and everything. I'm okay with it because I'm going home :)

In other news, if you've never seen the Christmas lights/displays on Temple Square, you should do it sometime. Megan and I got to go as a church activity. I'd been there once before a few years back. It's beautiful, and packed, and just all out awesome. We actually went inside the assembly hall and tabernacle this year. I don't know about you, but I think pipe organs are really cool looking. Just saying.

As the year is quickly coming to a close, I've started to think about what resolutions I want to make for next year. This year didn't entirely go according to plan, but such is life. I can't say it's been a horrible year because it hasn't. I've had some good experiences and adventures, and I even accomplished a thing or two. I can't even remember all of my resolutions from last year. I think that's why it's good to write your goals down. If you don't, they're too easily forgotten or set aside. I realized as I was thinking of possible resolutions that it's important not to overwhelm ourselves. Sure we should be setting goals, but we shouldn't pile ourselves up with tons of goals all at once. Focus on a a few at a time or maybe just one at a time. Some goals are a lot harder to reach than others. Just something to keep in mind as you think about your own resolutions for 2012.

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