Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Called to Serve

Apparently nothing happened in the past year worth writing about. Actually that's false. I've just put blogging on the back burner for quite some time now. But it's time to dust off this old thing for a little update. Also, I've gotten out of the habit of writing in all aspects, and I don't really want to lose that. (Side note: 2011's attempt at NaNoWriMo didn't work out so well...). The last time I wrote, I was leaving for Colorado to try my luck there. I didn't end up staying there, but I'm sure glad I went. I met great people, had some good adventures, and I completely my project for the year! (See a couple posts previous). Here is the completed product of my film a clip every day project. Unlike the original, I decided to go for two seconds instead of one. I didn't think about how this would double the time of the video... But I was putting together the video throughout the year so I wouldn't have to do it all at the end, and by that point, I didn't want to start over and make it all one second. I do plan to make a one second version, but that'll have to wait. So here's a glance at my year that I neglected to talk about but was totally awesome.

So I saw a lot of movies, ate lots of food, and spent a lot of time with a certain ginger cat. Also, I went to Disneyland, saw waterfalls, went to Time Out For Woman, etc.

Last year also involved an important decision, one that included my leaving Colorado. I decided to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I've been called to serve in the Romania/Moldova mission. I'll be leaving shortly, and I'll be gone for a year and a half. So, for now, this is farewell. See you again in a year and a half. I hope it's a good one :) Adieu!

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