Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Happy Anniversary To You!!!

Today is Stuart and Laura's anniversaray! Hooray! I told Stuart I'd give him a mango for the occasion but that won't work because Laura is not a big fan of them. I better do something or Laura won't let me into their apartment ever again...

So here's to a couple of my favorite people (don't worry, you are probably my favorite too!!). I love having them at school with me so I can hang out and have a little bit of home. Plus they are just awesome and fun to be around! I remember when I first met Laura and she seemed like this cute, quiet, innocent little thing. I have since learned her true nature. She fits into the family quite well except for I think she has a little bit more of the normal gene then the rest of us.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Thanks!... Where do you find these pictures? They're terrible but you're lovely. Thanks ever so much.

Did you really think I was innocent?