Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back in the Burg

I am officially back in Rexburg waiting to start a new semester (classes start tomorrow!). It's always a little wierd to make the transition back to school life, but it's going to be great. I just know it! I like my new apartment (it comes with dish network!) and if I ever get bored I have friends close by. I only have two semester left including this one! Huzzah! We'll see what happens after that! Well there's not much to tell right now. I spent a lot of time sitting around yesterday and I think the same thing is going to happen today! Oh and Mom, I know I tried to send you a picture yesterday via phone but now you can see it better. This is one thing I was working on yesterday:


Lindsey said...

hey! I hope your semester goes well. I'm taking an online humanities class. Just a little work to ease me back into school. What apt are you at?

Beth Adams said...

Disneyland, where dreams come true. Does anything in that picture look like a dream coming true????

Danielle said...

Haha yes! That was toatlly a dream come true! Nightmares are dreams too you know.