Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking

First of all, I like to give a shout out to my wonderful family. I know I've done this a few times but you can never tell your family how much you appreciate and love them too many times right? Today I had a nice long talk with Megan (it was awesome just to sit and talk forever), and among other things I started to think of how grateful I am for my family especially since I can just sit and talk with them for hours. Times of change are coming. Megan and I are both graduating in April and then a new adventure will begin for us (scary but exciting!). Stuart and Laura are starting a new adventure of their own in the form of heading to California for Chiropractic school. I kind of miss having them around....especially since for the first time in my college career I have to keep track of quarters just so I can have clean underwear.... I'm really excited for them though. Mom and Dad, you rock my socks and even when we are so far away from each other, you still manage to keep me entertained :) Love you! And my baby brother is finish his associates. He's growing up :) Ha ha. Well the point is, I love you family and though times are changing, I'll still love you no matter what and we'll still find time to hang out I'm sure :)

Okay onto the second thought process of this post. As I mentioned, I talk with Megan for a really long time today and I came to realize something. I can be really hard on myself (it's an easy thing to do really) and it sometimes causes problems (i.e. stress, sadness, you get the idea). Then it dawned on me: I need a shift in my attitude. I always use phrases like "Will you read this to see if it really sucks that bad" or have mindsets like "I really need to lose weight so I can be beautiful." So perhaps my thoughts aren't like that verbatim, but I realized that part of the reason it's so easy for me to be hard on myself and fall into that occasional depression is simply because of the things I say to myself or how I phrase things. My roommate Sara was talking to me yesterday and mention how at one point when she was able to lose weight it was mostly because she changed her mindset. As soon as she started telling herself she was beautiful and came to believe it, she was able to lose the weight she needed to lose.

This idea popped into my head when I was telling Megan that she would have to read a story that I'm working on to see how much it sucked. I then corrected myself by saying something like "I mean so you can see how wonderful it is." At that moment, with that simple change of attitude/positive word choice I actually felt much better about myself. It was one of those "aha" moments where I realized that I'm the only one bringing myself down. No one else tells me I suck at this or that. In fact, other people have been telling me good things about myself, but I counteract it with my negative thinking towards myself.

So my main point is how completely awesome I am. Ha ha nah my point is mostly a message to myself to stop being so negative. And my advice to you is don't be so hard on yourself either! You are your own worst critic. Start viewing life in a positive way. You'll be a lot happier with yourself and your life in general. Give it a try!

Now it's time to do my homework....stay positive. Stay positive!!!

Night all.


Laura said...

YUSSS! Danielle, how long have I been telling you that?! I'm excited for your change in mind set. You're going to see and feel all kinds of positive changes now. You're just going to RADIATE!!

This positiveness is partly why the words "I hate you" aren't allowed in my home. Just fyi ;)

Danielle said...

Ok I promise not to say "I hate you anymore" :) because I realize now (don't know why I didn't see it before) that the more you say something, even in jest, the more you believe it. I'm looking forward to this change!

Beth Adams said...

Isn't it wonderful to finally have that ability and control over your thoughts? And how wonderful you found out now and not when you were 45. I know that when I am with people I think don't like me or who constantly criticize me I get a little edgy and angry. The same thing happens if you don't like yourself and are always thinking you aren't good enough. There is power in positive thinking. Remember that you are one of God's children and he wouldn't want you to treat anyone, including yourself, poorly.
Love you Dani. I'm happy for you.