Friday, September 21, 2007

Leaping Starfish, Batman!

Have you ever wondered what you would look like if you meshed your face with somebody elses? Now you can!! Laura just introduce me to a new cite. So I spent a great deal of time meshing pictures of me, my dad, and Cameron with other people. Here are some of the best (or freakiest) ones. Take note that the picture I used for my dad is one of my favorites. I'm sure you can see why.

Alrighty then! The first morph is Dad and Ashley Tisdale (aka Sharpay)

The faces of goonies and Ashley Tisdale combined together -

Dad and Gollum

The faces of Gollum and goonies combined together -

Dad and me

The faces of DSCF5128 and goonies combined together -

Cameron and me (we look like an elf!)

The faces of DSCF5185 and day2 015 combined together -

And last but not least, Dad and Hayden Panettiere!!!

Hayden Panettiere's Face Combined with goonies -

Which one is your favorite?


*Waterspryte* said...

HAHA! Your dad and Ashley Tisdale make Mrs. Darbus!!! But I also have to say that you and Cameron make a very sweet elf. Let my try!

Anonymous said...

Ihave to say the red rims on your dad's eyes make him a perfect candidate for "The revenge of the Sith" as the dark lord. He would mess up anyones picture because of that.

Love you! Mom