Sunday, September 9, 2007

Way Down South!

By way down south I mean Oregon. So I'm a little late on this but the last week of August the fam and I took a trip to Oregon to visit my grandparents in Grants Pass and Rogue River. The trip down wasn't extremely exciting except for this guy on this sweet motorcycle and the fact that Laura was freaky out in the back seat (haha).

We first took a pit stop in Portland where we stayed the night at a family friend's house. We had all sorts of crazy fun. We played some Hallelujah Ten, Spoons (which can be a very violent game. The last time I played it with them, we had to use plastic spoons. I got into a wrestling match with one of the girls of a spoon which happened to snap but we kept fighting for the victory. I ended up losing and had wound on my pinky. I even had a scar for awhile.), and some good ol' fashioned hide and seek.

Josh enjoyed sitting on me while he counted.....

We had a jolly good time in Grants Pass. We lounged about on the patio, enjoying the light breeze, swapping stories, making fun of me, good times, good times.

It is a custom of Grandpa's to take a walk after supper, so while the adults were strolling along in the park a few minutes from my grandparents house, Josh and I enjoyed the simply joys of childhood. As you can see from the pictures, it was a risky business and I could've been killed by the freaky horse thing....

Our adventures then sent us to Crater Lake where I was almost eaten by a chipmunk. Very vicious creatures I assure you.

We also made a stop at the Rogue Gorge and a trial to a natural bridge where we saw some lovely falls, a cave/lava tube, the natural bridge (basically a hunk of rock), and well basically everyone having a good time posing for the camera.

Later on the trip, Dad, Grandpa, and I went on a hike to Rainy Falls. That was adventurous simply because the path was only a person and a half wide the whole way and was mostly rock. The view at the end was worth all my trials and suffering.

Our trip just wouldn't be complete without visiting some friendly carnivorous plants, California redwoods, and the Oregon coast. I really wasn't planning on getting wet while at the coast but I gave in and played Chicken with the ocean. I lost.... Afterwards, we treated ourselves to Dairy Queen!

All was good in the world... Then moment we got back home we began preparations for Idaho....
To be continued....


Anonymous said...

We really did have fun didn't we? I'll never forget Molly running like a bat out of you know where and dad not being able to keep up with her. She was so happy not to be in the sand any more!!

<3 Mom

Laura said...

That day at the beach was one of the best days ever! EVERRRR!!