Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I'm an acorn small and round lying on the cold cold ground

Aside from the constant homework that college demands, life is pretty good in the snow covered, below freezing Rexburg. We had a three day weekend which I'm ashamed to say that I couldn't figure out what it was for. I'm sure I'll get tackled for that one. I got really confused because I heard someone mention what the holiday was but I didn't quite catch what they say. I figured out later that they said it was "Civil Rights Day" apparently the new name for Martin Luther King Day. I wonder what they changed it for. Or perhaps I was lied to. I do have tendencies to be gullible.

On Saturday, Sara and I went on a journey to Idaho Falls singing a few camp songs along the way. Our mission was to pick up groceries at Winco and find a place that would sell us old Nintendo 64 stuff (CLASSIC!!!) since Sara brought one with her but with only one control and limited games. The good news is that we found this place called CD World that sells all sorts of old electronic stuff. It was amazing! I felt like my childhood was flashing before my eyes!! Yeah, Sara and I sounded like a couple of nerds when we found what we were looking for. I was tempted to buy half the store but I controlled myself. Sara bought Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Donkey Kong 64. Unfortunately, DK is having issues and doesn't want to work. I got it to start once! Even then we failed to get multiplayer to work. I told Sara that it wasn't going to work as long as she kept pounding it and thinking evil thoughts in it's direction. We just got to give it time.....or return it and get a different copy. I had my moment of joy when I found a copy of Final Fantasy VII for playstation. I can't even tell you how excited I was. Now I just have to wait until April to play it.

After several circles around town, we finally found Winco where we bought our groceries and some of those gummy peach things. Yum!

We then proceeded to make our way to the freeway.....for an hour. Who would of thought that Sara and I could get lost so easily.

Sunday was also a very good adventurous day. First of all, I got Mary and Sara to roll down the hill in the courtyard. They attempted to make snow angels and then they just dropped backwards into the snow. The practically were swallowed up in the stuff! But they survived.

Mimi made some very good cake and what is cake without ice cream?! We're way too cool to buy pre-made ice cream so we got out the plastic baggies and made some. There was one problem: we needed lots of ice. So we (I mean Mary) went outside and filled bags up with snow. After much shaking of the ziploc bags we had delicious ice cream and cake. Yummy!

We also discovered that there are a wide variety of Girl's Camp songs out there. I should definitely write some of the good ones down so I can force the whole world to learn them. Hooray for Girl's Camp! I will miss you especially since now I don't have an excuse to not shower for a whole week! Now I do it and I don't even get a bead!! Okay just kidding. I'm sure I would have been kicked out into the snow by now if I wasn't showering.


maryelizabeth said...

Danielle I'll make you your own special never seen before bead if you don't shower or shave for a week!

p.s. peachios are delicious. totally stealing them in the middle of the night... just kidding :)

Unknown said...

Your nose is red! Is it cold or something? Or maybe Rudolph is your secret brother! Just kidding! The only things with fur at our house are Molly and Luna. By the way, I hope you didn't eat all those peaches by yourself!