Thursday, January 24, 2008


Yesterday was one of those days where the time just slipped away! I'm still not sure what happened to it. Sara made her hair curly-ish and thought she could do the same thing with my hair. Haha I'm not letting Sara near my hair again. I'm just glad I was able to fix it so it actually looked normal. But here's what it looked like:

That night we saw Leahy (pronounced lay-he) perform. They are a family from Canada who play a bunch of Celtic and Irish tune type stuff. They were pretty darn amazing. It took me forever to figure out how to say their name. I told Sara that it was pronounced lee-uh-hi and she said something like "Oh yeah, now I'm going to go around saying 'and it came to pass the leahytes defeated the leahoes." So there you go. Now you know what happened to the leahoe civilization. I know I always wondered about that. Anyway, here's a video of Leahy.

Afterwards Sara and I did what any normal person would do on a Wednesday night after seeing a concert: we decorated our closet doors with very random quotes we stole from a forward someone sent to me yesterday. Yep...good times. I took a little video of it but it doesn't look like it's going to work. If I get it to work then I'll put it on for your enjoyment.

Um....that's it.....

Maybe I'll go dig a pool in the courtyard so I can throw a huge party and be the coolest kid on campus.....except for it would probably freeze or I would find Brendan Frasier in a hunk of ice and we don't want that to happen do we, precious?


*Waterspryte* said...

I am now the newest fan of Leahy!!!!!!! I see plenty of groups, esp. families that do this kind of stuff, but what those guys were doing there was phenominal!!!!!!!!! Thank you Danielle for that peace of inspiration and good entertainment. You always know how to entertain yourself. I wish I could find things to do that easliy.

Unknown said...

We loved the music! I am going to search the web and see if I can find an album. They were great!