Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Song I'm Addicted to this Morning

Stay Beautiful by The Last Goodnight

I'm bound to be addicted to another one in a few minutes :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Woes of Stage Fright

So I sung a duet in sacrament meeting on Sunday. I thought I was going to die. I really really love to sing but when I get up in front of a group like that it's very hard to keep my voice steady while simultaneously focusing on not passing out. Ok so it's not that bad. I find it kind of interesting when nerves will kick in like that. For example, when I act, I may feel a little nervous at first, but it disappears almost immediately. I wish my fright would disappear that quickly when I sing. Anyway, I made it through the song and it wasn't bad. My first note was one to remember, but it always is :) Yesterday, I ran into someone from my ward and they told me how awesome I was singing wise. She told me that she really liked my voice and then attempted to describe why she liked my voice. She told me that my voice was just full of attitude. I think I like that. I sing with attitude haha! Top that! Just kidding. So I guess stage fright isn't such a hinderence after all if I'm willing to face it.

That's really all I have to say for now. Not that exciting I know :) Aufwiedersehen.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

For Stuart

Chicken Cor Don Bleu

6 boneless skinless chicken breasts
6 slices honey ham
6 slices swish cheese
1/4 c. flour
1/4 c. Parmesan cheese (powder fine)
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1/4 c. oil
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/4 c. water
1 chicken bullion cube

Trim fat & flatten chicken, place ham and cheese slices and roll up. Secure roll with toothpicks. Put on plate with a little water. Combine flour, Parmesan cheese, and salt, and pepper enthusiastically. Place chicken in water to get them damp and roll in coating so they are all covered. Put oil in pan and brown chicken. Place browned chicken in crock pot. Combine coating mixture with remaining ingredients and cover chicken. Place extra piece of cheese on gravy. Cook for 4-5 hours on low in crock pot.

I hope that makes sense. I just copied it from what my roommate has written down. It is way delicious. We had it with funeral potatoes and fruit salad. So there you go! You should make it some time!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day: a day to celebrate all the wonderful people in your life!

Hello hello!! And happy Valentine's Day! So I'm sure some of you have heard my feelings on Valentine's Day, but since not all of you have and it's kind of relevant to my plans for the rest of this post, I'm going to explain myself. I've noticed in my years of expierencing Valentine's Day their are usually about three different reactions to the holiday (excluding the "Yay Candy!!" reactions from the elementry school days).

1) Today is a day to celebrate my significant other! Let's do something cheesy and romantic!!

2) I still be single. Sadness.... Where's the ice cream and chick flicks?

3) Single Awareness Day! Woot!! Let's party!

I'd like to recommend a fourth category. I suppose I've experienced number two and four and about a year ago I realized that their is more to Valentine's Day then having or not having that special someone (sometimes a really big deal in an environment like BYU-Idaho). So here's my suggestion! February 14th is a day to celebrate ALL those people who mean something to you, everyone who has made a difference in your life for the better. This would be a really really long post if I were to give you an entire list of those people in my life, so I'm going to narrow it down. Please take today to celebrate all your loved ones. One thing I've learned as I've gotten older is that we have an amazing capacity for love! Never assume people now you care. Maybe today should be the day you contace that person you've been thinking about! I know I'm really bad in keeping in contact with people. Anyway, that's my little spiel. Now here's my shout out.

I would be nothing without my family! They are the most precious thing to me in the world. I probably didn't always feel that way :) but I'm getting a little wiser as I'm getting older. We have so many fun times together! I love how strange we are! Quoting movies, ping pong, Dr. Mario, some of the most delicious food ever!, going places like Scotland and Disneyland, road trips.... So many good times!! I'm so grateful that I have part of my family here with me in Rexburg.

Stuart, Laura, Megan, you guys rock my socks! I love that I can talk to you about serious stuff and maybe not so serious stuff like movies and books! I'm grateful for how supportive you are of me, especially when I'm not even supportive to myself! I like feeling that you guys believe in me. And Stuart, I'm grateful that you make sure that I do have some fun mixed in with all my work. Yeah, you've seen me unreasonably stressed out...

Mom, Dad, Josh, I miss you guys a ton!! Sometimes I wish I could just magically come home for a day just so we could hang out! Josh, I really do like killing zombies with you, even if it does scare me.... Haha you're awesome! I like staying up and watching movies with you too, even if I do fall asleep in the first five minutes. You're the coolest kid in Marysville and don't let them forget it! Mom and Dad, there's not really anything I can say to let you know how much I appreciate and love you. You do so much for me! There are some things I'd like to say, but this doesn't seem to be the place. Expect an e-mail from me :)

And to the rest of my family all over the place, you also reach the top levels of awesomeness!! I hope you all are doing well. I love you guys :)

For all of you who aren't literally part of my family, this post is for you too!!! I considered a lot of people to be a part of my "extra extended" family. Marysville 6th Ward, I love how warm and friendly you are when I come home. It's a little strange coming home and seeing the ward sometimes, just because I somehow expect everything to be the same when I get back. There always seems to be new faces mixed in with the ones I know. But just the fact that you are in 6th ward means you are amazing!

This post is already getting way too long... but here's a couple more groups of people who I am celebrating today:

All my friends back in Marsville!
My amazing ward at school!
Present roommates and past roommates!
Haha and people I acted with back in High School! Those memories still bring a smile to my face!
An awesome girl who has the same birthday as me minus four years :)
The girls I was over the last two years I went to Girl's Camp
And more!!!!

So today, I'm celebrating you!! Don't forget to celebrate the awesome people in your life today to! Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have a good one.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

You Know What's Awesome?

Watching the movie "Galaxy Quest" with a few awesome guys from your ward (not the mental kind but rather the church kind. I promise there's a difference :) ), eating grahm crackers, and finding out one of said boys is creating an RPG style game on his computer and asks you if you want to try it out. Yep. My night was pretty awesome. And rather nerdy. Haha!

"It's an alien planet!! Is there air? You don't know!!" Classic line :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

You Could Move in and Sleep Under the Couch Cushions!

Oh my goodness! So I was meant to be very studious all day yesterday and that's not what happened at all! I keep telling myself it was worth it though. The following stories may be a little confusing because of all the names I have to spout out, but hopefully you can keep up. Remember Sara Holloway? My roommate from second semester? You can go here for a little reminder. Anyway, she lives on the first floor of my complex. Yesterday she took me out to get a McFlurry and we made a few other random stops. While I was with her, I was inspired to text someone using her phone because they wouldn't know it was me. I texted two of my old FHE brothers, Matt and Ryan, the exact same message: "I just wanted to let you know that you're an amazing person." They weren't together at the time which made things even better. Ryan replied first asking me who I was and he apologized for not having my number in his phone. We were getting him all sorts of confused so we ended up just going to his apartment and letting him in on our little game. While we were over there, Matt texted us back, also asking who we were. I seem to be more inspired for this sort of things when I'm in larger groups because at that moment I knew the perfect reply:

"This is your secret lover"

I thought we might scare him away for good with that, but he replied with something to the effect of "Wouldst fair lady favor me with a clue?" Classic Matt line for you right there. Someone in the apartment said "How does he know you are a girl?" So I was going to reply, "I'm a man." But since they had just watched Stardust the night before, I was told to reply "Does the name Captain Shakespeare mean anything to you." And that's exactly what I did. He didn't reply for at least another two hours, but that's alright.

Sara and I had left to visit some other people and we came back to Ryan and Matt's apartment about ten minutes before curfew. Just at that moment, Matt came back home. He told us all about the wierd texts he'd been receiving and we (very deceivingly) played dumb. When we went back home, Matt started texting Sara's phone again. Apparently he'd suspected me from the beginning, but he didn't officially get in contact with me and accuse me until 1:30 AM. It was so hilarious!

Yesterday was a good day. So I left out some detail, but I must be going as food is on the table :) Fare thee well!

Further notes:

Okay I'm back from eating and I realized that I left out my reason for my title!! So basically, when Sara and I first left Matt and Ryan's apartment, we went to visit Vance. We visited with him and his roommate, Jordan, for like two hours. It was tons of fun! Anyway, Sara was revealing things about me that I wouldn't have shared (like how I chugged salsa on Friday night). It wasn't too bad though and they made good conversation starters. Anyway, I was finding out I had more things in common with these boys then I had realized and we were making all sorts of awesome cool plans for further hanging out activities! So I made some comment that I should just move into their apartment (except for times between curfew and whenever we are allowed to go back to the boys apartments). Well the boys said they could totally hide me and I could sleep under the couch cushions so there other roommate would have no idea. I don't think it would work out. It was really funny though. Maybe you had to be there...