Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So Close!

I'm starting to gain even more excitement for leaving on the British Literary Tour. I was having my doubts, but now I feel back on top, and I'm ready to go! I'm beginning to feel that I'm connecting with my group. Maybe there won't be any lasting friendships, but that's okay. I feel comfortable with them, I can be myself, and the next month is going to be amazing. No regrets. I'm excited just to feel the spirit of some of these places we are going to. I really wish we had the opportunity to go to Germany as part of the trip. I'm determined to go there someday as I feel like there's a part of me in that country since that's where half of my family is from. I wish I had more to say, but I really can't think of much. I will take lot's of pictures and report on the experience when I come home. Things just seem so good in this moment as I'm sitting here in the library using their computers since my laptop is miles and miles away. I feel that I have so much to be grateful for. I won't bore you with a list :) I should probably get going. I have a goal to read Othello tonight and possibly get some writing requirements done. I'm willing to bet I will get distracted by the T.V. though. Curses... By the way, for those of you who don't follow mine and Megan's Finer Things blog, we saw this amazing movie last night called "North & South". Why don't you step over to my other blog and check it out :)

And just for the heck of it, here are some pictures to give you some idea of what else we've been doing. I'll let you interpret them for yourselves!! Haha! Okay maybe I'll explain later.