Monday, August 10, 2009

Idea Inspired by the Journal Jar

What's this? Two posts in one day within minutes of each other?! THAT'S RIGHT!!!!! I just had this feeling that you were all craving just a little bit more. So a little bit more you shall have! Okay so here's my idea: I have this old journal jar from back in my Young Women days (take a moment for nostalgia to kick in, take a deep breath, and focus back to the present). Since I seem to have trouble coming up with topics lately I thought perhaps it's about time I actually use the thing. So every so often, I will pull a slip of paper from the jar and write on whatever topic is written there. It's been so long I don't even remember what some of the topics are. You may also use the topics to inspire your own writing. I think I will post some topics on the side and rotate them. You better use some of these topics just because I am really curious what is in there and what people will say about them. I hope there's some good ones in there!! That is all.

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