Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ender's Shadow

So I believe it was last weekend when I was asked to be the voice for a 4 year old boy for a commercial for the book "Ender's Shadow" by Orson Scott Card. She was making it for a class. I was way excited to do it. She has awesome animation skills for the technology she has available to her. Anyway, I think I sound absolutely ridiculous! My first line is okay but I kind of lost it after that....probably because I couldn't stop laughing. I mean, the kid goes by the name Bean. That was somehow incredibly funny. Plus after my first line (I know how you can get rid of the bullies), I tried to say something like "murder them all" in a creepy voice, but I couldn't make it through the whole line without falling over with laughter. Yeah, I was having issues. All in all, I'm still proud of it. I'm part of an animated feature!!! Ha ha! Maybe I'll actually read the books now....when I have time.....

Anyway, I've taken the liberty of including the clip on here so you can see how awesome I am as a 4 year old.

I think this will open up some more job opportunities for me :)

I discussed the possibility of becoming a professional consultant that helps girls break up with boys with a couple of my guy friends on campus. For some reason they thought that would be a suiting job for me....haha I think I still go for becoming an author. I like that idea better. Or I could always become a rockstar :)


Megan said...

Good job, Bean :)

Beth Adams said...

Where have you bean all my life???
Couldn't resist! Cute and nice job too. Didn't hear one giggle.