Monday, December 14, 2009

4 Days

I meant to update sooner than this, but everytime I started writing a post I had to force myself off so I would work on something the 4 papers I have due tomorrow and Wednesday! I was a little concerned I wasn't going to be able to accomplish this since my brain really wants to be back home right now. It makes it hard to focus. But now, things are looking promising. Maybe they won't be my best work, but they aren't the worst I've ever seen. Besides, in the past I've always done better than I expect myself to do, so maybe the trend will continue.

Anyway, I have a few minutes right now, and I'm taking advantage of it to update all of you! There are only four more days until I hope on a plane headed back home. I am so excited! First of all, it's always nice to have a break from school. Secondly, I get to see my family! Oh and friends. I get to see those too :)

I still have a lot of work to do before that time (finals, packing, white glove....), but I'm not stressing out. After all, I've done it before! I can do it again!

Unfortunately, that's all I have time for right now. I have to make myself presentable for class. So long for now. Have a good day!

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