Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cross Your Fingers!

Okay. I'm trying something, and I realize that it could trip on it's own shoelaces and land face first in a pile of mud (or worse), but I figured, I had to try and see what happens. Scrapes and bruises are easy mended anyhow.

I've started an online used bookstore and blog. Right now my stock is little, but it's already started to grow! I'm hoping it will work out and people will actually take an interest in it. So here's where you come in. Take a look at what I've got (http://spiralstaircasebooks.blogspot.com/). Maybe even follow it on Twitter. Maybe I should make a Facebook page...

Anyway, take a look, give me suggestions, spread the word, and help me get this thing up and running. You can even be a part of the blogs greatness! Send in book reviews. Tell me about what you read this summer. What you loved. What you hated. Whatever you want!

I'll have contests up soon with some sort of awesome prize. I'm not sure what though. I want to reach out to different areas of creativity. So I'll have writing contests. That much I know. But I want to reach out to other mediums too (video, photography, art, etc.). I was just thinking right now that it would be fun to have a photoshoot contest where you dress up as some of your favorite characters. Would anyone be interested in that?

Please take a look and spread the word! I'll be your best friend forever :)

Until next time!

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