Saturday, November 8, 2008

She's Done it Again!!

What is it I've done again? Why, I've taken time out of my day to play with photo editing!!!! So some weekend before this one we are currently living through, Stephanie, Lindsey and I went around campus and took a bunch of photos!!! Now I didn't edit all of them so I'll let you see those as well as all of the edited versions I did make!!! I've kind of felt like being crafty, and since I don't have the same resources here as I do at home, this is pretty much as far as it gets in the photo area. I told Laura to rub some of her craftiness on me but she's convinced it doesn't work that way. Ah well. So I hope you enjoy some pictures!!!

Ye classic BYU-I sign picture!! There was some concern on how to get on top. That was too bad until we had to figure out how to get down without dying...Stephanie in particular. But as you can probably guess, we got it all figured out.

This tree by the Hinkley building just looked like it needed a friend. I was actually really distracted by the stairs. You will see why in the next pictures....

Haha cool they look connected....

We needed a good all fall picture. Most of the leaves were good and dead already. So what better thing to do then throw them in the air!!

We ended up going to the gardens and found this willow tree. I like willow trees. Okay the first set of pictures are over. Now it's time to give you a mix of the ones I edited!!! On some you'll get four different versions of one pic! I'm not saying all of them are good though. Haha.

After these beautiful pictures, Stephanie, Chelsea and I took more some night when we were the only ones home. I will only put one on because I only edited one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOO! Pretty! I must say that I think the las one is my favorite though. Love you!
