Friday, November 28, 2008


I think it is my curse to become sick during what would normally be considered fun/exciting events! It's like my body waits until that moment when the most fun will occur and BAM! it crashes. I first felt this year's cold coming on Tuesday night. Ever since then I've been irratable, stuffy, and the like. It really puts a damper on the Thanksgiving festivities especially since we have family over. Ah well. At least I'm not throwing up. I've had one of those Thanksgivings too. Anyway, I hope you all had a good holiday. I'll be heading back to the Burg on Sunday.


Melinda said...

Sorry you were sick. Laura found my blog, so I went to hers and found yours. Yeah! I enjoyed your story about how your beginnings as a kidney bean. I had to read it to my kids. I started a blog that links to the blogs of my MV6 ward friends. I hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

See! you have to help me start a blog for my Christmas present and it has to be cute because it will only happen once and that's when you help me! JK. I think you should be grateful you didn't end up in the emergency room like you did before. Hope you feel much better soon.

Love you lots.


Anonymous said...

just a "by the way" i am grateful that you talk to me and I don't have to have a blog in order to have family members talk to me.

Love you

Laura said...

I wouldn't talk to you if you didn't have a blog ;) Cheeky.