Monday, February 22, 2010

Only 47 Days...

Until graduation...

Woot! And then after that...DISNEYLAND FOR ME!

Double woot!

So now I just have to keep on studying and studying and studying so I can pass all my classes so my beautiful plans don't get ruined... Definitely possible.

Other things happening as of late:

1.) I got to see an old friend mine on Friday. She's old and married now and lives near a bus where they sell tacos. It was great to see her again, to reflect on old times as well as the new, and realize that after all this time, we can still be friends and still have a connection. It was really nice! Hopefully we can have some more get togethers before I take off in April.

2.) Lots and lots of eating of Pringles of the sour cream and onion variety. I'm going to get fat off those things. But I suppose I know that I'm loved since I haven't had to buy a single can. Thank you Matt and Sara for blessing my life with Pringle goodness.

3.) I'm officially a part of the Celtic Tales that will be taking place here on campus. Breanna and I are singing a duet. "The Soft Goodbye" in fact as sung by Celtic Woman. It should epic! We performed it for our storytelling class who agreed that our voices sound great together. Sweet!

4.) usual.

Speaking of which, I really must get back to mein hausaufgaben...or homework. In half an hours time, I'll be heading to Idaho Falls where I will be fed food. Huzzah for not having to make your own meals! So there's a quick little update! I hope all is well with you out there and that you are enjoying all your adventures.

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