Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh Monday! You Tease Me So!

Already, today has been quite eventful. I woke up, looked at my alarm clock which said 8:30, and then I got up in a panic. You see, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday I have a class at 7:45... This is the class I'm most concerned about doing well in, so I was unhappy with myself this morning. I'd set two alarms because I'm always paranoid that I won't wake up in time. I was sleeping too deeply it would seem. I never even heard my alarms go off. But a note on the bright side, I haven't felt this refreshed in a long time.

One of the reasons I was freaking out about sleeping in is the fact that I had a participation sheet due today...and I need as many points as I can get. I looked at my professor's office hours which unfortunately are at the same time as another class. So I decided I would run across campus and catch my teacher before he left class. By the time I got out the door, I only had 5 minutes to get to a building that usually takes me 10-15 minutes to get there...

Long story short, I made it, I turned in my paper, and I'm almost positive my professor got a laugh out of my out of breath/pink faced state and the fact that I ran across campus just to give him a sheet of paper. I'm that passing...

It occured to me as I was walking home that one of the tricks to staying optimistic is to take something bad (sleeping through my class) and instead of focusing on the bad in it, think about the good. Count your blessings if you will. So although I did sleep through my class, here's the good: I made it to my teacher to apologize and hand in my paper and it's not "frozen nose hair cold" outside which made it a lot easier to run through. Oh, and a third good thing: I slept very well last night.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to officially get ready for the day... This "just rolled out of bed" look will not do. Happy Monday and March 1st one and all!

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