Sunday, March 14, 2010

26 Days...

I can hardly believe it! Less than a month and I'll have my degree and I'll be on my way to Disneyland! I think this is the only thing I talk about now...

Anyway, it's all rather exciting and little bit frightening at the same time. I applied for an internship and didn't get it. I was really bummed out at first, but then came to the conclusion that there's something else out there for me to do. I finally started looking for some more options this weekend. So I need to start applying like crazy! I found a bunch of internships with publishing companies which would be an excellent experience and give me the knowledge I need to continue in that industry. Most of them are in New York, which is a little bit nerve wracking for me, but I have a friend going to school in New York who has agreed to let me be her roommate if I end up heading over there. That will definitely help with the transition.

Also this weekend, I submitted some of my short stories to some literary journals. I've been wanting to do that for a while now and it's required for one of my classes this semester, so I finally got around to doing it. We'll see what happens there! Chances are I won't be published right away, and that's okay. At least I can say I tried! And I won't give up!

And if none of that stuff works for dad has promised that I can come home and live in the basement. Haha! At least I always know that I'll have a roof over my head! So I guess the key word now is perseverance. I'll find something!

Until next time, good luck in all your ventures!

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