Monday, March 29, 2010

Ashira L'adonai Ki Ga'oh Ga'ah

Not going to lie, the last two days have been a bit rough. I'm pulling through though. No worries. Plus it helped that I got cookies from Megan yesterday. Yum! I actually saved them for this morning and ate them for breakfast! Best breakfast ever! Not nutrition wise... Anyhow, I don't know if you've figured this out already, but I can be quite random. Sometimes I just wonder random things and won't rest until I can find the answer. For instance, I've started wondering where certain phrases come from, so when I hear them used I take a mental note and look them up. Did you know that "how 'bout them apples" originated during one of the world wars (I can't remember which one now ha ha) and is in reference to what the British called the "candy apple mortar?" Well now you know. Random fact of the day. Consider yourself educated.

This weekend, I've been reflecting on some bible stories mostly because I saw the musical "Children of Eden" (which I thought was beautiful and inspiring for the most part) and yesterday's Sunday school lesson was on the exodus from Egypt. So for the past few days I've had songs from "Children of Eden," "Prince of Egypt," and randomly, "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat" going through my head. So besides randomly discussing these stories with people I know, I've been humming random tunes from these productions. One bit that's been going through my head is the Hebrew portion of the song "When You Believe" from "The Prince of Egypt." I'd looked up the words before and tried to learn them because I'm a nerd like that and I really like it. I'm sure I butcher it... But I'm okay with that. So you can be a nerd like me, I'm going to post the words here--first the Hebrew and then the English translation.

Ashira l'adonai ki ga'oh ga'ah
Ashira l'adonai ki ga'oh ga'ah
Michamocha, ba-elim adonai
Michamocha nedar-bakodesh
Nachitah v'chasd'cha, am zu ga'alta
Nachitah v'chasd'cha, am zu gaalta
Ashira, Ashira, Ashira...

I will sing unto Adonai for He has triumphed gloriously.
I will sing unto Adonai for He has triumphed gloriously.
Who is like You, O Adondai, among the gods?
Who is like You, glorious in holiness?
In Your mercy, you lead the people You redeemed.
In Your mercy, you lead the people You redeemed.
I will sing, I will sing, I will sing...

Adonai is the Hebrew word for Lord basically, if I understand correctly. Anyway, music can be a good tool to helping you feel better. My suggestion: when you are in the worst of moods, pick a nice peppy song--one that makes you feel like dancing. Crazy sad emo songs will not make you feel better silly. One of my happy songs of late has been "Hot Air Balloon" by Owl City. Listen to it, learn it, embrace it, and love it. Good. We can now officially be friends.

So like me, this post has been very random...and pictureless... I've been doing that to you a lot lately haven't I? Hmm... Perhapsly I should change that. That's right. I just said perhapsly.

In conclusion, there are only eleven days until I graduate, which means ten more until I get to see these weirdos...

A.K.A. my parents, who I love!!!! I am so excited! Well, my friends, as always I wish you the best of luck in all your adventures! Farewell!

1 comment:

Kendra Logan said...

I memorized that song when I was little! Reading it was like going back to when I was seven years old...Awesome :)
