Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Celtic Festival

The past few days have been very stressful! I had two big projects due today: one a ten page paper on the formation of Kansas and how it impacted the Civil War and the second was a presentation on Orson Scott Card's Characters and Viewpoint (a great book by the way). I should have worked on them sooner...but alas, I'm one of those people who thinks I still and so I put stuff off until it's too late. This time was killer! A lot of my time was taken up last week because of the Celtic Festival. We had dress rehearsals on Tuesday and Wednesday and perfromances Thursday-Saturday.

It was a lot of fun and it turned out really well. We sold out all three nights. In fact, the first night, we were oversold by 77 seats. We had to set up a bunch more seats to accomadate everyone. It was nice that we had really good audiences, and everyone I talked to said they enjoyed our production. Huzzah!

Here are a few pictures from backstage. These are all from the reader's theater I was a part of called "The Specter Widow."

This is Kimball. She played a witch on the moor! She also played the stranger who came to help me and my husband from the crazy widow woman who was trying to off me so she could have my man. Haha true story!

Here is Kimball and the writer of the script (who also is my storytelling professor), Omar Hansen.

That's Kimball, me, and Breanna (the widow). Our prompt for this picture: tigers. So there you go. We gave it a shot!
So now the Celtic Festival is over and I somehow managed to survive both my big projects! And now I'm taking some time to relax before I have to get back to work. 16 days until graduation! Speaking of which, I picked up my cap and gown today! It's all sorts of official now!
Until next time! Good luck on all your adventures!

1 comment:

lindsey gruwell said...

Oh, I wish I could've gone! that looks so fun. Glad you survived the stres...and I'm sure it's only stress from here on out. Good luck getting things done and yay for graduating!