Thursday, October 25, 2007

Leprosy; it's a serious thing

Once again I've come to share my great wisdom with you. I've learned some life changing things this week. I experimented with a deadly disease, leprosy, and applied it to Laura's face. She's such a good guinea pig. These are the results.
This is what Laura normally looks like. Isn't she beautiful!
This is what she looks like with the beginnings of leprosy (aka what she'll look like 100 years from now)
It was all fun and games until the disease really started taking effect.
She may never look the same again....


Laura said...

Oh my! Haha! That really was fun. Yesterday's turned out so well. I'm proud of you and your leprosy skills.
I'd come with you again and again to your class to be your model (I prefer "model" to "guinea pig" thankyouverymuch!) but sitting so long isn't good for my back and I'm not allowed to fake it just for the sake of having fun with you.
Thanks and stuff!

Laura said...

I'm still pulling latex out my eyebrows 2 days later... Next time we'll do it my way - with soggy rice crispies. Those really do look like leprosy when they're stuck on your face. That's what you should do for Halloween!!