Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happy holidays from me and kabuki

Happy holidays one and all! I only have a few more days and then I'm done with this semester and I'm home free! That is of course if my flight isn't cancelled due to snow and ice. I would cry... But that won't happen. Let's be optimistic here. I'll go home and I get to look forward to something like this:

For some reason this picture made Laura laugh really hard....

Anyway, last thursday was kabuki day in my theater makeup class (that's kuh-boo-key by the way). To give you a little idea of what kabuki is all about, it's Japanese (I think) makeup that is kind of like war paint (on the men anyway). So here's an idea of what it should look like:

And this is what I looked like:

That white pancake is a pain!! It really likes to smear and smudge. My lines didn't look exactly like that at first but my teacher made me change them because they weren't defined enough or something like that. I'm fine with that as long as I got a good score. Haha.

So as I briefly mentioned above, there's snow here! Well, it's probably mostly ice today. There was lots of fluffy snow. I haven't played in it yet but my roommates have. They played out in it around 2:00 am. I was sleeping at that point. Anyway, two of my roommates climbed up on the wall around our dorms which is punishable by a $50 fine. My third roommate secretly wished they would get caught. It would have made a good story.

Speaking of good stories, we had quite an exciting adventure saturday night. Basically there was a serial killer in a clown mask outside our window and then we let him in and he shot us all with a bazooka. Okay so that's not exactly what happened. My roommate, Mimi, heard breathing and perhaps swallowing/stomach gurgling outside her window. The windows and curtains in both our rooms were wide open, perfect for clown serial killers or perverted people! So basically we all convinced each other that there was a creepy man right outside. We ran around closing all the windows and locking them. I was actually asleep when this all started and they left me to die... But I joined them in there franticness when I realized what they were talking about when they barged into my room. I tried to tell them to call campus security but by the time one of us actually did, our intruder was long gone. Just to make ourselves feel better, we all huddled in the living room and fell asleep watching "Mystery Men". Honestly, I think it would be kind of funny if there was no one there in the first place. Of course I only think that now that it's over. I was pretty freaked out at the time.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the snow and I hope you all have a wonderful December!

1 comment:

*Waterspryte* said...

LUCKY!!! You got snow!!! *jealousiness*
Yeah, I would say having someone look in on you guys during the night is pretty exciting. Next time that happens, though, Danielle, and might as well be your brother trying to pull a ninja move on you during the night (how should I know? I really haven't MET Josh if you know what I mean. I've seen his videos, but that's only because one of his best friends is James, who is Eden's best friend. His evil German accent wasn't too stupid sounding though). That was a long thing in parenthesis. Well, try to contact me!!