Monday, January 12, 2009

Just a little update!

I have officially survived the first week of semester! It's really only half an accomplishment since the first week is really only have a week... But I survived nonetheless. Classes seem good so far. I'm a bit concerned about my history class, but I really have no other choice than to stick with it. We haven't been back very long, and yet we still find time to party! My roommates and I had a little shindig on Saturday. We weren't sure that anyone was going to show up. Thankfully they did and it was a blast. We played a few rounds of catch phrase, signs, and murder in the dark. If you ask me, murder in the dark is very creepy and will probably give me nightmares. Ok maybe it wasn't that bad, but it was pretty creepy especially since you can't see anything and people start to quote the joker. Yeah, I don't know how I survived. Sadly there's not much else to tell. Life goes on as normal. Well, I haven't even started on my homework and FHE is in half an hour. I suppose this means we must part until next time. Adieu!

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