Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Secret Life of a Dancing Fiend!

Last night I was pretty much forced to attend country dancing here on campus. Ok more like I consented just to make my old roommate, Sara, stop whining :) Now I realize that most people would never believe when I say I can be quite shy. Alas, it be truth. Although I was quite comfortable teasing Sara and doing our own little moves, whenever she tried to push me towards the dance floors, my feet became cement. Don't get me wrong, I think dancing is amazing/fun! But it is one of those things where I feel more comfortable rocking out on my own where no one else will see me...ever! It didn't help that I didn't recognize any of the moves they were doing...I guess my social dance class didn't cover that area. So although I do enjoy dancing, I'm too shy/self conscious to actually do it. Someday I will conquer my fear and reveal the inner dancing fiend within me! But until then, I will remain quirky Danielle, who you probably assume is one of the least shy people you know... I'm just fooling you, that's all.

After avoiding the dance floor and all people of the male gender for a good 45 min, I decided I'd stayed long enough to fulfill the politeness requirement, and I gratefully slid out the door and into the cool night air. It was strange how great it felt to be outside. Usually (although I've really only experience Rexburg winter once) ten o'clock at night is not a pleasent experience in the middle of January. However, it was very nice and refreshing. I couldn't let that go to waste. Megan agreed to walk with me to the temple where we took a few pictures.

It was really foggy. I wasn't sure if we'd be able to get any good pictures, but these turned out pretty good.

1 comment:

Beth Adams said...

Those are beautiful pictures and I think the dancing thing is hereditary.