Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sandwiches, Cancer, and Top it Off with Stitches

Okay so last night was one full of adventure. First of all, Megan, her roommate Melissa, and I went to Gandolfos (pretty much the best sandwich joint on the planet in my humble yet deadly accurate opinion). Sadly, I was pretty much absorbed with watching their television as I stuffed my face. Pretty sad right? But they were showing the old "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"! That obviously makes my obliviousness to whatever else was going on completely okay, right? We really wanted to have some of their chocolate mousse cake too, but they were all out. Who runs out of chocolate mousse cake?! That stuff she fall out of the sky on command!! So we were forced to go to Milhallow instead to get some of their ice cream. Ironically, Milhallow is also a sandwich place. I had no idea...

After that, I came home to more excitement! But first, here's a little background story. So my roommate Lindsey is in the nursing program. They just had the pleasure of learning about certain types of cancer. To receive extra credit in that class, they are given the assignment of teaching a guy about testicular cancer. Being a good student, Lindsey really wanted that extra credit. So here was our plan. We made some of those no bake cookies planning to use them as bribery to make our old FHE brother learn about cancer. So we did make said cookies which are delicious. To bad they didn't set so they are kind of like goop. Who knew that if you didn't actually wait for the cocoa mixture to cool it wouldn't fully solidify? They still taste good and that's all that matters. To make things even worse, we couldn't get a hold of our FHE brother to find out if he was even home or not.

I suppose luck was on Lindsey's side in some degree. One of Mckenzie's friends, Tim, just happened to be hanging out at our apartment. Therefore, he became our new victim. Instead of actually teaching him, Lindsey just gave him a pamphlet to look through and take notes on. He then signed those notes and Lindsey now has her extra credit!! (Funny side story involving said pamphlet. Today Lindsey called me and asked me to look through her trash for a piece of paper she thought she no longer needed. Chelsea started rummaging through the trash as I was on the phone with Lindsey. Although her needed paper was not in the trash, the cancer pamphlet was. I tried to warn Chelsea that that was not what we were looking for. But before a could tell her what exactly she was looking at, she opened the pamphlet and was apparently scarred for life. We started laughing hysterically. Lindsey just found out what we were laughing about a few minutes ago. She should know not to leave those things lying around.)

Things continued to get even more exciting! Unfortunately I do not have pictures of this next event. Here's what happened. My next door neighbor, Chelsea Roberts, busts into our apartment (not an unusual thing for her to do) and says something like "Look what Whitney did to me!!" (Whitney is her roommate FYI). She had a smallish but deep wound/gash right above her eye. It turns out that Whitney had tried to attack her for reasons unknown to me. Chelsea tried to escaped by running out of the apartment. Before Chelsea could get out the door, Whitney slammed the door which somehow managed to collide with Chelsea's face. After some persuasion, Mckenzie and Tim took her to get stitches; she had to get four. She's doing quite well and will most likely not be horribly disfigured for life. Whitney better watch her back if she knows what's good for her.

I don't think tonight will top all of that.

1 comment:

Beth Adams said...

Laugh out Loud!!! That was so funny the initials were just not good enough. Life for you sounds so exciting.