Friday, January 30, 2009

25 things you might not know about me

Well I'm stealing this from Kim. But I've actually been thinking about this sort of thing. By "this sort of thing" I mean like confessing all my deepest darkest secrets to all y'all. Haha okay so not exactly. So here you go. 25 insights into Danielle Adams :)

1. So some of you already know this, but my biggest irrational fear is needles. Sometimes (or all the times) I begin to cry when I have to get a shot. When I got my wisdom teeth removed and they were going to put the IV in, I started to cry and probably took my arm away. I was on drugs and yet still so very afraid.

2. I like some anime related things but I'm not hard core (no Naruto or Pokemon for me).

3. My favorite Jamba juice is Raspberry Dream Machine

4. I like Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, and Kingdom Hearts type video games (haha and more!)

5. I used to play soccer, track, and was on the swim team! I have no idea why I did track...

6. I would love to see the Phantom of the Opera on stage

7. I've never been to Canada, but I have been to Scotland

8. Whenever I hear songs by bands/musicians like the Cars, Chicago, ELO, or even Enya, I think of my dad

9. I like all movie renditions of Pride and Prejudice that I've seen...wait...maybe all but one. I've seen 4 different versions.

10. I think dipping french fries in chocolate frosties are good.

11. Possibly two of my most favorite books are The Hobbit and The Phantom Tollbooth....this is subject to change. Oh and I love the Harry Potter series.

12. I still like to listen to bands like NSYNC every once in awhile (lame huh?) and I'm discovering that I actually like little tastes of country.

13. I used to play the clarinet and a little of flute (I still have them both). I also claim that I can play a wee bit of piano.

14. My first singing solo that I can remember was a piece from Hendel's Messiah.

15. Sometimes I think I pay more attention to the music in movies than anybody else.

16. I love to take pictures.

17. People don't believe me when I say I'm shy, but I can be in certain situations. See previous blog on why I don't dance very much in public.

18. I'm not a big fan of Grease or Dirty Dancing (please don't hurt me...)

19. Sometimes I avoid things convincing myself that I already hate them. I'm coming to discover that I tend to be wrong. Example: I used to avoid Tim Burton movies and anything by Edgar Allen Poe. Turns out I like movies like "Big Fish" and "The Corpse Bride", and stories like "The Cask of Antimillado" aren't so bad. On this note, I'm also discovering that not all things deemed "classic" are so horrible. Although some of them still are I suppose :)

20. My first official job was at Kentucky Fried Chicken. I will never go back...

21. I like to learn random facts about things that will never be useful in my life.

22. I'm not a big fan of Rexburg winters and sometimes I get really tired of school work, but I know I will be extremely sad when it's over.

23. Occasionally I will randomly quote something and hope that someone knows what I am talking about.

24. I know the proper reply to the phrase "live long and prosper"

25. I still remember bits and pieces of both German and American Sign Language. Plus I think it would be awesome to learn Hebrew. Not sure how that would benefit me in any way whatsoever.

So there you go. There are 25 random things about me that you possibly did not know to begin with. I'd be happy to elaborate if you really want. Are you all wondering what the proper reply to the phrase "live long and prosper" is? Just ask Mr. Spock. I'm sure he'd be happy to obilge.

Oh and don't mix it up with Mork's greeting which has a similar hand position but different saying.


Laura said...

24. I know the proper reply to the phrase "live long and prosper"

Take luck(?) :D

Danielle said...

Haha not quite. Good guess though :)

Beth Adams said...

I don't even remember the proper reply. I'm sure I'll wake up at 4 am though and remember what it is. That's how my brains been working lately.

Are you sure it's not "NA-Noo, Na-Noo"? Or maybe two thumbs up and an "AAAAA" to go with it?