Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Because We All Have An Influence On People

You know, probably 90% of the time, we will never actually know what affect we have on people, for good or for bad. We may get the occasional 'thank you' note, or maybe someone will actually come up to us and tell us face to face. But more often than not, we will never know the impact we have on people.

We may take this to mean that we have no impact at all--that our lives are insignificant. That is not the case. Maybe the whole world doesn't know our name, but that doesn't really matter. We influence every life we come in contact with, even if it is just for that moment. Heck, we may influence lives that we didn't even realize we had a part in (like when someone overhears something you say and potentially makes fun of you for it. Haha).

You probably don't realize what you mean to some people. I probably don't express my appreciation enough, which is probably why some people don't realize how much I care about them. I try to express it through actions instead of just words--sometimes trying to find the right words while at the same time not making things awkward is a difficult task.

Anyway, this is just something that's been running through my mind lately. You don't always know if you've made someone's day by something simple that you do. I guess the moral of the story is that people care about you, even if they aren't always the greatest at expressing that, you have an impact on people, and even simple actions matter.

There's my thought of the day. I hope everyone is having a good week! Thanksgiving is in a few short days! Remember to be thankful and express that thanks!

1 comment:

Maryyyyyyy said...

Well Danielle... you have had quite the impact on my life :D haha. But seriously you made that first semester of mine very entertaining! Even though we did get in trouble by Mimi a few times haha. I love reading your blog, never stop! Don't stop bloggggggggggging! (i sung that last sentence to the tune of "don't stop believing" by journey by the way)

And I posted a video on my blog of your influence in my life :)