Thursday, November 5, 2009

One Thing That Gets Me Through The Day

First of all, a little update. After I wrote my last post, I ironically started to slowly fall into a state of stress and unhappiness. Tuesday was a rough day. It was one of those days where you are so stressed out that you start to worry and get upset about things that don't even matter or aren't even related to the thing causing you stress in the first place! Plus it didn't help that I'd forgotten some things I had to do so I was up until 2:00 am and had to wake up five hours later to make it to my first class of the day. I enjoy my sleep...It was very hard to keep my own advice of not complaining.

It was interesting to me because it almost seemed like there were things building up to that moment. It made me think of how my roommate said a few days ago that there have been so many times in her life that she knows God has prepared her for something before it actually happens--not necessarily big things, but still...I know He helped me through that day even though it was really hard.

Here's the other thing that got me through the day:

That woman there on the right. The person on the left (me) was not what got me through the day. I know I'm pretty awesome like that, but I'd be lying to say I can make it through this life all on my lonesome. Sometimes I like to think I can, but I need a hand every once and awhile. We all do.
Anyway, the woman whose having just as much crazy fun as I am in that picture is my mother. She is a great blessing in my life, and I don't know what I'd do without her. She's inspirational. She always seems to know what to say to make me feel better or what to say because I need to hear it even if it doesn't make me feel better at the time. But in those cases she's always there to give me a hug and tell me that it will all work out, which it always does. It just doesn't always seem like it will at the time. She's let me cry many times and never ever thinks I'm stupid or weak for those moments, a fact that I'm so greatful for because in those moments I'm the one who thinks I'm being weak or stupid. She cares so much about people and doing the right thing. She's so willing to serve others, and she sets a great example. I don't think I can adequate express how much I love her, but hopefully you get the idea.
Thank you, Mom, for encouraging me and reminding me of simple truths that sometimes I'm tempted to forget in those moments where I reach my lowest low. I can't wait to see you again!
Oh, and although I still have a lot to do, my stress level has gone back down. The sun is shining, it's unusually warm for this time of year in Rexburg, and I still have time to fit in a walk which might be slowly becoming part of my daily routine. I'm beginning to realize that even places like Rexburg can be beautiful in its own way.
Until next time! Have a very enjoyable November 5.