Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Love Languages

You've all heard of the 5 love languages right? Well in case you haven't, they are Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, Acts of Service, and Words of Affirmation. I'd taken the test a while ago, but I didn't remember what my results were. It seems to be something that is brought up a lot, so I decided to retake the test. I was expected Words of Affirmation to be my top love language. I thought about it some more and realized that isn't always the case, but I was still willing to bet on it. Well...Words of Affirmation is number four for me. Here are my results:

Acts of Service 30%
Quality Time 27%
Physical Touch 20%
Words of Affirmation 17%
Receiving Gifts 7%

So there you have it. Now if anyone asks me what my love language is, I can tell them, and we'll know right then and there if we are compatable. Ha ha.

I learned something about myself today. I learned that acts of service mean more to me than words of affirmation. Who would have thought? Want to know what your love language is? Take the test here!


Laura said...

The test wasn't written by God. If you say words of affirmation mean more to you then that's that. Haha.

Megan said...

I'm actually surprised by your results. Mostly I'm surprised that physical touch comes before words of affirmation. The only person you ever touch is Mom. haha. I couldn't remember my results, so I took the test again. Quality time was my first, and words of affirmation and physical touch were tied for second.

Danielle said...

I think we can all agree that words of affirmation should be bumped up on the list :)